Prof. (Dr.) Jose P. Verghese

Prof. (Dr.) Jose P. Verghese

Designation : Arbitrator & Consultant; Legal Practitioner at Supreme Court and High Court of Delhi

Topic : Maritime Disputes Resolution

Prof. (Dr.) Jose is an Arbitrator on behalf of Delhi International Arbitration Center (DIAC) and is in the Panel of Arbitrators in ICADR, ICA and ASSOCHEM. He was Professor Emeritus (UGC) in International Commercial Arbitration at National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore (2013-15); prior to that he was a Chair Professor (ADR) at National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore (1998-2001), Professor of Law and Director of Centre for WTO Studies at National Law University, Jodhpur (RAJ.) (2003-2004). He was also the founder Vice Chancellor, Hidayatullah National Law University, at Raipur (C.G.) (2004-05) and the Vice Chairman (Judicial) at Central Administrative Tribunal, (Principal Bench), New Delhi (1996-1998).

On 8th November, 2019, Prof. (Dr.) Jose conducted a session for the LL.M. and PGD students of Gujarat Maritime University on “Maritime Disputes Resolution”.

The session was for two hours and Dr. Jose covered topics relating to resolution of maritime disputes which included types of marine disputes, legal framework, maritime arbitration, procedure, designing an arbitration regime, future of maritime dispute resolution, how to make such resolution methods more efficient, conflict & compromise, etc.

The session turned out to be quite an interesting one for the students and the positive response immensely appreciated.

Session Photos

Admissions Enquiry - 2025
