MBA in Shipping & Logistics

The maritime sector is undergoing a complete overhaul in the recent years and due to various developments and Government reforms initiated in India, including Sagarmala Project, subsidy schemes, Green Channel, Major Ports Authority bill among others, the sector is poised to experience renewed growth.

GMU, cognizant of this need, envisaged the course MBA – Shipping and Logistics as a means to develop experts of distinguished caliber. For this GMU has partnered with the reputed Copenhangen Business School.

  • CBS Executive and Copenhagen as a hub for Global Shipping is renowned for its experience within the shipping and related industries.
  • CBS Executive is a separate wing of the reputed Copenhagen Business School which offers the world-renowned CBS Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics (AKA: The Blue MBA).
  • The BLUE MBA has a world-class reputation in the Global Maritime Sector and is one of the best designed and executed course for management professionals
  • The course MBA in Shipping and Logistics offered by GMU has been modelled on the lines of the world- famous BLUE MBA offered by CBS and will be the first-of-its-kind offering in India.

The inputs in terms of a conducive learning environment, top-class infrastructure and learning facilities, adept faculty members with a rich history of contribution to industry and academics and the exposure offered to sub-national, national and international contexts through partnerships, helps forge the management professionals with the most sought-after capabilities here, at GMU.

The program is divided into a semester pattern of two semesters per year, with sufficient time given to students for pursuing internships, projects and extra-curricular activities.

This course would take the students through

Introduction to Maritime Management: The course covers the planning, organizing, staffing leading, coordinating and controlling functions that are critical for the current and future success of the shipping companies.

Introduction to Global Maritime industry: This course provides an overview of the funda­mentally different types of shipping that make up the global maritime supply chain

Shipping Finance: provide a good understanding of maritime and shipping economics, ship economics, and the economics of specialized shipping markets.

Marketing of shipping services: Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of marketing and advanced topics in strategic marketing and international marketing.

Logistics and supply chain management: This course examines the planning and management of logistics services and supply chain operations. The course would also cover the combination of multiple transport modes in the context of intermodal and multimodal transportation.

The digital transformation of shipping industry: This course would provide the students an understanding of the Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and Block-chain solutions deployed in shipping and logistics.

Human resources management: The course would enable learners to place an increased focus on human capital with developing and retaining talented work, negotiate empowerment and inclusion.

Target Audience

  • Professionals and freshers who wish to undergo a rigorous niche sector MBA, offering an unprecedented depth of learning with a global outlook.
  • Motivated and self-driven learners who wish to set themselves apart from the general crowd and be a part of a course designed by the best minds in the shipping academia.
  • Professionals looking for advancement in their careers and drive revolutionary changes in their organizations. Candidates desirous of building a rich career as a Shipping and Logistics expert would find the course extremely suited to their needs.

MBA - Shipping & Logistics – unlimited career prospects

The course MBA – Shipping and Logistics has been designed based on the industry demand for specialized courses unlike other programmes. We exist to cater to a very specific industry need of highly trained professionals in terms of quality and sectoral knowledge matching international standards who would be comfortable working in any environment.  The following key global and national developments towards a renewed “Blue Revolution” would offer a plethora of opportunities to management professionals in the sector:

  1. Increasing Global Demand for manpower: An analysis of maritime jobs globally shows that the technical jobs contribute to ~49 % and commercial jobs contribute to ~51% of the total jobs in the maritime industry. Based on Hong Kong Maritime service industry report[1], the manpower demand globally in business services and shipping logistics and management is estimated to be ~ 1.08 million and ~ 2.93 million respectively in 2025.
  2. Addressing modern sectoral challenges: As per the 2019 Global Maritime Issues Monitor, conducted in partnership with the Global Maritime Forum and the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI), highly likelihood issues at the sector level like Decarbonization, Global economic crisis, Climate Change, cyber-attacks and automation requires a new age skillset for which the sector is least prepared which will be offered through the proposed course.
  3. Covid-19 Scenario implications: India, with its demographic and strategic advantages is presented with an opportunity to establish itself as a leader in International trade and as a viable alternate to China.
  4. Government initiatives and reforms: A number of Government Initiatives and reforms are proposed in India, including Sagarmala Project, subsidy schemes for ship building, make in India initiative, Green Channel, Major Ports Authority bill among others, which will drive growth in the sector and in turn generate the need for management professionals to manage the growth.
  5. Projected demand supply gap: Estimates of Manpower deployment in Maritime Management sector in India indicate the demand-supply gap of 52 thousand management professionals in the conservative scenario and 2 lakh management professionals in the average-case scenario by 2030 given the supply capacity and the growth rates of the sector.

MBA - Shipping & Logistics – Broad Course Structure (Tentative)

Sem I
Subject Code Course Name L-T-P Credits
SMM4110 Financial Statements and Analysis 3-0-0 3
SMM4111 Introduction to Global Maritime Sector 3-0-0 3
SMM4114 Managerial Economics 3-0-0 3
SMM4115 Operations Research Models 3-0-0 3
SMM4116 Statistics for Management 3-0-0 3
SMM4119 Business Communication I 2-0-0 2
SMM4120 Organizational Behaviour 2-0-0 2
SMM4121 Legal Aspects of Business 3-0-0 3
Total Credit 22
Sem II
Subject Code Course Name L-T-P Credits
SMM4211 Digital Technologies for Maritime Sector 3-0-0 3
SMM4212 International Trade 3-0-0 3
SMM4213 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3-0-0 3
SMM4214 Maritime Human Resource Management 3-0-0 3
SMM4216 Financial Management 3-0-0 3
SMM4219 The Blue Economy 2-0-0 2
SMM4220 Marketing Management 4-0-0 4
SMM4221 Research Methodology 3-0-0 3
SMM4222 Legal Aspects of Maritime Business 3-0-0 3
Total Credit 27
Subject Code Course Name L-T-P Credits
SMM4303 Maritime Infrastructure and PPP 3-0-0 3
SMM4304 Maritime Insurance and Risk Management 3-0-0 3
SMM4305 Port Management 3-0-0 3
SMM4307 Ship Building and Breaking 3-0-0 3
SMM4308 Strategic Management 3-0-0 3
SMM4309 Master’s Thesis I 2-0-0 2
SMM4310 Summer Internship Project 6
SMM4312 Business Communication II 2-0-0 2
SMM4311 Management of Shipping Companies 4-0-0 4
Total Credit 23+6
Semester IV
Subject Code Course Name L-T-P Credits
SMM4401 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 4-0-0 4
SMM4402 Liner Trade and Multi Modal Transportation 3-0-0 3
SMM4403 Safety and Environment Management in Shipping 4-0-0 4
SMM4405 Master’s Thesis II 6
SMM4406 Chartering 4-0-0 4
SMM4407 Shipping Finance 3-0-0 3
SMM4408 MOOC I 2
Total Credit 28

The courses mentioned in Semesters II to IV are subject to review and revision by the appropriate authorities and experts to meet the industrial requirements.

Coding Method:

  • SMM – School of Maritime Management
  • 4/5 – Levels
  • 1 – Semester
  • 0 – Compulsory Course
  • 1 – Specialization Course
  • 9 – Elective Course


The fee Structure for MBA in Shipping & Logistics for the Academic Year 2023-24, 2024-25 & 2025-26 is as below:

Sr. No. Particulars Total (Rs.)
1 Total Tuition Fee per Annum* Rs. 1,25,000/-
2 Fees per Semester Rs. 62,500/-

* Subject to the fee structure that may be determined by the Fee Regulatory Committee (Technical) constituted under section 9 (1) of the Gujarat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees) Act, 2007, for the University, any amount paid in excess to the fee structure finally determined by Fee Regulatory Committee (Technical) shall be refunded to the students. Similarly, any amount due to the University as fee structure in excess of what has been paid shall have to be deposited to the University by the students, if applicable.


Admission to the MBA program is open to graduates from any discipline provided he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria and qualifies through the selection process.

Course Duration

The course duration shall be 2 years. The program is divided into a semester pattern of two semesters per year, with sufficient time given to students for pursuing internships, projects and extra-curricular activities.

Seats and Intake

Total Seats Admission through GMU Entrance Exam Admission through Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC)
60 30 30

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA (45% marks in case of SC/ST/SEBC/EWS Category candidates), awarded by any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the Central or State legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a university as per the UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. (Formerly Ministry of Human Resource Development)

Candidates appearing for the final year of bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification examination and those who have completed degree requirements and are awaiting results can also apply. If selected, such candidates will be allowed to join the programme provisionally, only if he/she submits a certificate from the Principal/Registrar of his/her College/Institute within one month of commencement of classes stating that the candidate has completed all the requirements for obtaining the bachelor’s degree/ equivalent qualification on the date of the issue of the certificate.

Selection Process

The selection process of the programme is through the following two methods:

(1) All India Seats

The candidate aspiring admission for this programme may make an admission application by vising the University website.

The selection process will be on the basis of performance of a candidate in the National Level Online Remotely Proctored Entrance Test and Personal Interview conducted by the University.

The weightage of the selection process will be as follows:

Criterion Weights
Remotely Proctored Online MCQ Test 70%
Personal Interview 30%

The candidates having a valid CMAT/CAT score of the corresponding year, are not required to participate in the University Admission selection process, and will be given preference in admission as prescribed in ACPC Notification No. GH/SH/25/2020/PVS/102020/285/S dated 24th June, 2020.

(2) State Quota Seats

For admission under the State quota seats, a candidate has to apply at Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) website ( and follow the instructions therein. Kindly note, while filling the application, you have to mark “Gujarat Maritime University” as your first preference for admission. (School of Maritime Management Code – 801673)

Application Fees

Application fees will be charged from the students as below which need to be paid while filling out the online application forms.

Category Application Fee
General 1000
SC 500
ST 500
SEBC 500
EWS 500

Applicants are required  to note the application ID generated on successful submission of the application form. The application ID is to be used for all communication with the university officials during the admissions stage. On successful submission of the application form, the candidates will be redirected to the admission fee payment page. Candidates may choose the mode of payment from the available options  and pay the fees as applicable.

Reservation of Seats

Gujarat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees) Act, 2007 and in reference to the Master of Business Administration Course (Regulation of Admission and Payment of Fees) Rules, 2020, the seats shall be reserved towards admission in Government Seats who are of Gujarat origin and falling under the following categories and in following proportion;

Sr. No. Reservation Category Weightage (% Seats)
1. Scheduled Castes 07%
2. Scheduled Tribes 15%
3. Socially & Educationally Backward Classes 27%
4. Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 10%

Over and above, three percent of the seats will be reserved for students belonging to the Differently abled Category.

Students are required to submit relevant valid proof documents to support the reservation of seats are required to be submitted during the time of admission.

Disclaimer and Notice

Providing inaccurate or incomplete information or malpractice of any kind or canvassing will result in disqualification of the Candidate.

Please note that admission to any category of candidate is subject to meeting the selection criteria as specified by GMU. In case of any dispute, the jurisdiction will be the competent court of Gandhinagar only.

Ragging is totally banned in GMU and anyone found guilty of ragging and/ or abetting ragging is liable to be punished as per the GMU Anti-Ragging Policy.

Get in touch with us

For further details, please reach us to at:
Director, School of Maritime Management,
Gurubhavan, GNLU Campus,
Attalika Avenue Knowledge Corridor,
Koba, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat – 382426
Email: [email protected]
Ph. 079-23270500

Admission Helpline: +91-6356894500
Whatsapp: 8141314444

Admissions Enquiry - 2025